our solution

The world's leading all-in-one gymnastics management platform

Matchday Communications

Real-time scoring, player management, incident reporting, advertising, ticketing & eCommerce, chat & more…

Competition Management

Accommodate & co-ordinate single or state-wide events & competitions with semi-automated team nominations, selections & fixture creation.

Easy Registrations

Streamlined & efficient registrations process with flexible payment options for all forms of competition, events & programs.

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Official Rostering & Payments

Roster officials based on location, credentials, ranking & other criteria plus the ability to set automated payments

Websites & eCommerce

Simple, easy to use customisable websites. Effortless eCommerce solutions for merchandise & sales.

Concessions & Ticketing

All in one payments platform managing online and in person payments. Pain free ticketing services for match attendees.

Easy Registrations
  • Real-time payment splitting to all levels of the hierarchy
  • App, Mobile & Web based Registrations
  • Multiple participant registration in the one form
  • Sophisticated payment gateway supporting Credit Card, ACH/Direct Debit, Instalments, Payment Plans and AfterPay
  • Risk management & and participant approval process (including ITCs)
  • Automated de-registration & transfers
Competition management
  • Utilize the Squadi algorithm to schedule matches accommodating venue, time, and team preferences by: venue availability, age group, divisions, and teams
  • Schedule grid provides different viewing options accommodating sub-venues
  • Ability for Clubs to mutually agree/jointly schedule venue, date & time
  • Extremely simple re-grading process
  • Ability to replicate Competitions year on year
Match Day App
  • Retire paper & pen scoring and gain significant time and financial benefits using our easy-to-use live scoring app.
  • Complete team rosters and player verification
  • View upcoming matches
  • Participate in team Chats
  •  Create events (e.g Team training)
  • View real-time Team & Player Statistics
  • View real-time results and standings
  • Know where you are going with integrated Google Maps for Field / Match location
Officials Rostering & Payments
  • Take advantage of automated official rostering based on: availability, venue/location, referee match preferences
  • Automated payments available
  • Real-time tracking of referee responsibilities such as: Results, Team check in, referee/supplemental reports
  • Digital post match incident and supplemental (send off) reports
Incident & Disciplinary Management
  • Ability to instantly track incidents & disciplinary issues as they occur
  • Ability to mark players as suspended (suspend players via a date range or number of matches)
  • Automated Disciplinary fines & recoup – set by each member federation
eCommerce & Ticketing
  • Easy to use eCommerce thats Stand alone or integrated into Registration process
  • Simple and easy to use POS system that supports contactless payments with just your iphone or android phone
  • Seasonal or one of ticketing that can be accessed in app or via the web with mobile redemption by admins.

Take your organization
to a whole new level

Save Valuable Time

Reduce duplication and provide smarter competition and communication tools.

Real-time Solutions

Real-time Solutions - Our mobile app provides live scores, news, game times and so much more.

Revenue Stream

Excellent sponsorship / advertising opportunities from a highly engaged audience.

We will be your Partner

We don't believe in the word ‘client’ - we believe in the word ‘partner’. For both organisations to be successful we need to work together to help you realise your vision and achieve your goals.