
Setting up & managing competitions is now very easy

From registrations to scheduling, Squadi automates tedious tasks, leaving you with more time to focus on the game.


Effortless management of Officials

Our solution for rostering and payments streamlines the allocation of officials to games while also monitoring referee activity. Once their tasks are fulfilled, payments are seamlessly processed automatically.


Access your training, game times & game locations

Understand your player statistics to improve your performance, communicate with your team mates, manage your profile, review your player and purchase history, access and input photos – all through your phone.


Find the location, Field your family or friend is playing on

Squadi makes it really easy through our intuitive and intelligent platform. Our FREE app will provide you with access to all chosen games and locations, as well as enable you to see the score real-time and be kept abreast of any important communications from the competition organisers.

We will be your Partner

We don't believe in the word ‘client’ - we believe in the word ‘partner’. For both organisations to be successful we need to work together to help you realise your vision and achieve your goals.